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Environmental Intelligence™ and the four principles icon

Environmental Intelligence™ and the four principles we call TASC enables our clients to deliver outstanding environmental project results, and provides them with a skillset they can apply to broader management issues in their operations.

The Four Principles of Environmental Intelligence

Icon for Thought


A good plan is more than just a plan. It requires envisioning your entire strategy from start to finish – not just the first step. Effective planning anticipates future challenges and stakeholders’ concerns. It provides contingencies that anticipate the unforeseen. The guidance that Environmental Intelligence™ provides enables you to think, act and adapt to the issues at hand and that lie ahead. “Think before you act” is more than just a catchphrase. It’s a critical first step in the TASC process, which helps ensure your project is set up for success from the start.


  • Know your destination
  • Ask the right questions
  • Anticipate the unexpected
  • Build contingencies
  • Think before you act
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Icon for Application


Desired results don’t just happen by chance. They stem from a comprehensive understanding of factors that contribute to current and future conditions. These may range from the very technical and scientific, to the more nuanced factors such as the understanding of stakeholder concerns or regulatory requirements. Attaining your desired results relies on a systematic process to gather relevant data, analyse it and draw conclusions. Environmental Intelligence™ is all about establishing the foundation of understanding needed to reach your goals.


  • Draw from experience
  • Collect relevant information
  • Analyze and make informed conclusions
  • Foresee what lies ahead
Icon for Solution


Finding your ideal solution ultimately draws on the wisdom gained through the TASC process. A solution may be simple or complex, conventional or creative. What unites them, is that each solution is unique to its application and tied to the understanding of factors that affect outcomes now and in the future. Actions arise from evaluation, refinement and optimization of alternatives, considering past experience, and weighing benefits and costs over the short and long term. Environmental Intelligence™ gives you confidence in your decision-making.


  • Consider new approaches
  • Assess alternatives
  • Make informed decisions
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Icon for Communication


Communication weaves throughout every stage of the TASC process. Why? A successful outcome requires sharing ideas and information, ensuring common understanding, learning new perspectives, forming relationships, and building trust. Listening and learning helps you find the optimal solutions. Environmental Intelligence™ enables you to understand all of your stakeholder’s needs through open and ongoing communication. Engaging early with purpose, and building other’s perspectives into your thinking, helps you take a proactive approach in your conversations.


  • Engage early and with purpose
  • Maintain open and ongoing relationships
  • Understand the values of others
  • Foster trust through listening

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